Sunday, October 26, 2008

Why people like Joe Biden and not Sarah Palin--buying the VP candidates on ebay

A lot has been stated by the right leaning media--yes there is such a thing--about how Joe Biden has been 'let off the hook' for stupid things he has said, while Sarah Palin has not.

I submit that this has little to do with media bias, but rather everything to do with the perception of authenticity and the integrity of the marketing of the candidate with the 'reality' of the candidate.

Lets pretend we are buying VP candidates on ebay:

First, Sarah Palin.

Her ebay description page has the following on it:

- A reformer
- A maverick
- Someone against irresponsible spending
- A Washington 'outsider'
- a family type candidate
- attractive
- tough
- a rising star

Notice we were told she had no negative qualities.

So we bid a lot, and when she was delivered we found the following:

- A bipartisan Republican majority ethics investigation begun before she was chosen involving 'abuse of power' in what came to be known as 'Troopergate.'

- The fact that she took $$$ for the bridge to nowhere, lobbied heavily for federal earmarks for her Wasillia, and comes from a state that takes more federal $$$ per capita than any other.

What was delivered was not what was advertised. Notice, there are a lot of other qualities about Sarah that still true: she connects with people, loves her family, is attractive, is a winner, etc. But we still felt misled by the item description on ebay. We would be asking for a refund or threatening to leave bad feedback for this seller. We don't trust this seller now.

Now take the case of Joe Biden.

Take a look at his 'item description' on ebay:

- An expert on foriegn policy and
- has a moving personal story
- a common blue collar guy
- Prone to saying stupid things

Whether you agree with Biden's positions on foriegn policy or not, it is clear that he has put a lot of time into thinking about them. So he comes off as an expert. His personal story and blue collar roots are verified as well. So do the stupid remarks.

He shows up via UPS as described. You didn't pay as much for Biden as you did for Palin, but you were expecting less and you would not be asking for a refund.
You would leave good feedback for this seller as the item was 'as described.'

Guess which seller you are going to do business with you when you are in the market for President?

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